Monday 3 October 2016

Animal Life In The Village!

Animal life in the village!

1- Luna: She is my probably one year old. We found her on  the side of a road when she was again probably 3 months old. She is the calmest cat ever in transports! When I still lived in France she would do the trip Franc-Croatia, Croatia- France but the day we where leaving to go to Croatia permanently she decided to hide! So we had to leave without her! She came home a 20:45 and we went at 11:00! So on August the 8TH my  father went to France by plane to get her and came back on august the 9TH! She is now with us and having fun in Croatia!  
She is called Luna because we found her on the full moon.
Luna in Spanish is moon.
2- MiMoon ( Majmun) : He is my 3 nearly 4 months old kitten, Majmun means monkey in Croatian and I think it is the best name i could find him! He is really a Monkey, he as you know had a lot of trouble but know is walking almost normally already! He is adorable he loves to cuddle and to play! He also LOVES TO EAT! He was abandoned in the village with his brother in a box in the  village, his date of birth was on the box . They where born on the 7TH of June. His brother disappeared.
He get's along with Luna, they both have fun together!

Little Baby
3- Tocka: She is the cat of Isabel ( go in the previous post to see her blog!) she was abandoned and she found her on her wall. She decided to stay! Isabel adopted her and she is really adorable! She is probably 6 monthes old and she just got sterilized and is really cute! She plays with everything! Tocka means dot in Croatian.
She is so cute!
4-Squeaky: She is a South Indian cat that Isabel brought home from India. She is 8 years old. You can follow her adventures on Insatgram ( ).You should read the blog post on Squeak ( ).
She is magnificent!
There is much more animals in the village but if i put them all the blog post would be too long!
Kisses! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post!
    Interesting to note: the two older cats are tigers with stripes and the two young ones are black and white.
    I'm wondering how the next ones will look like? Maybe with green squares? Blue dots? With antennas? Who knows?
